
CPIA Udine

CPIA UDINE (Provincial Centre for Adult Education) is a body of the Italian Ministry of Education and belongs to the category of Autonomous School Institutions.

It provides Italian and foreign citizens with services and activities aimed at adult education, considered as a means for the personal, social, cultural and economic growth of the entire citizenry.

CPIA UDINE is organized so that it can be in close contact with local autonomous organizations and with the employers in the area. It can be considered as an educational laboratory, but also as an organization that fosters the integration process, to respond to the demands and needs of the territory.

CPIA Udine offers courses corresponding to the ISCED 2 and ISCED 3 international levels. CPIA UDINE courses are divided into two didactic periods: the first period is aimed at the achievement of the final certification of the first education cycle; the second period is built for the achievement of a certification that attests the acquisition of key competencies related to the fulfillment of compulsory education and to activities shared between the different typologies of technical and professional high school institutions.


EGInA (European Grants International Academy). The agency, founded in 2012 and accredited by the Umbria Region for vocational training and certification of competences, represents today one of the main stakeholders in the field of local, national, and European initiatives design and implementation, relying on the cooperation of numerous experts in the fields of education, social innovation, cultural heritage and digital transformation.

Food4Sustainability CoLAB (F4S)

The Food4Sustainability CoLAB (F4S) associação para a inovação no alimento sustentável is a non-profit organisation dedicated to innovation in sustainable food production.

The 5 pillars of the F4S research agenda are:

  1. circular economy,
  2. sustainable agriculture,
  3. natural capital,
  4. food, nutrition and well-being, and
  5. innovation and entrepreneurship.

F4S has a multidisciplinary and talented team dedicated to supporting the agricultural sector by executing and creating value from the research, development and implementation of innovation initiatives based on smart and sustainable applications.

F4S develops science in agro-ecology, agronomy, soil science, remote sensing and support for in situ biodiversity monitoring. F4S has a large network of farmers and stakeholders, allowing representatives of the agri-food sector in Portugal to participate in all initiatives.


AUPEX (Asociación de Universidades Populares de Extremadura) is a non-profit organization, declared a public utility entity, located in the south west of Extremadura.

We gather more than 200 folk-high-schools, most of them located in rural areas and small villages. We develop a variety of lifelong learning projects, related with culture, employability, environment… although the main organization projects are related to foster and enhance digital skills.

We organize digital inclusion related training actions based in DigComp framework, so that all citizenship but specially unemployees, entrepreneurs, minorities, youngsters, women and groups in risk of exclusion can find an opportunity for their social inclusion, by upskilling and reskilling abilities and improving their employability using digital skills.


The Adult Education Institution Dante (Ustanova Za Obrazovanje Odraslih) is a competitive, modern and efficient institution that has been carrying out adult education programmes in Rijeka, Croatia, for 30 years.

Dante attracts numerous generations of adult learners by offering quality educational programmes and courses (focusing on foreign language learning, intercultural communication, basic skills, teaching methods and approaches, transferable skills, entrepreneurship, career counselling, conflict management) that respond to the needs of modern society and contribute to the development of adult education at the local, regional, and European level.

Dante has also recently established a new department aimed at supporting local community members in exploring a new professional and educational pathway and developing their career management skills.

The Institution closely cooperates with state institutions – the Ministry of Science and Education, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, and the Croatian Agency for Mobility and European Projects.

In addition to national cooperation, Dante has considerable experience in international cooperation and partnerships, having participated in the Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus+ (KA1, KA2, KA3), Europe for Citizens, and the European Social Fund.

DANTE has been awarded the 2020 Erasmus accreditation in the field of adult education, vocational education and training, and school education for the period 2021-2027.

Dante is also a member of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and has hosted and organized numerous international meetings, training events, and conferences related to adult education.

Moreover, Dante has also established a new department aimed at supporting local community members in exploring a new professional and educational pathway and developing their career management skills.